This will make some of you mad but, please.... The recent decision of the UMC Church to take a more traditionalist approach, is the decision that was made whether you agree with it or not. To those affected, I cannot even begin to fathom your pain over the UMC decision. One person said, people who stay (in the UMC) are staying in an abusive relationship. That really hurt and I am sure hurts those of us who HAD NOTHING TO DO WHAT-SO-EVER WITH THIS DECISION and should not be blamed, slammed, shamed or called names. Each person must make their choice. If you disagree, leave. If you agree, stay. It is as simple as that. Don't stay if you feel unwanted. Is it painful? You bet. Are there many people confused and upset by this decision? Yes. But some of the awful, vehement statements I have read in the past day or two serves absolutely no purpose and do not help. One person refused to agree to disagree and will only accept all people to see her poi...