
Showing posts from May, 2020

Things I Learned During Quarantine

I’ve been in a weird place for the last month or so. Maybe weird isn’t the right word — but with all this social distancing, working from home, wearing a mask while out buying groceries, numbers of sick & dead in the USA growing daily – I find things a bit disconcerting or even eerie. Don’t you? So what have I done? Well, I have done some introspection. . Here is what I came up with - the good, the bad, the ugly: I don't need clothes/shopping   A good outcome of all this stay at home situation, is that I haven’t bought any new clothes – only makeup, because I pitched all my other makeup that was made in China. You can read about that in my previous post. I am more creative than I think    Why is this a good outcome? Well, for one, my closet is so full, I am rediscovering clothes from way back in the depths and being creative to put together new outfits. Also, doing differen...