The Daily Prep - a Favorite Blog

I am an avid blog reader. I love blogs, I really do.
Where else can you travel the world and see things you don't see in your own daily life?
Through a blog.

One of my favorites is The Daily Prep by Muffy Aldrich.

I love her tag line:

Coastal New England Living
Stewardship • Authenticity • Graciousness

While she often talking about the traditional preppy items such as khakis, LL Bean totes, and yachting, she has wonderful photos about a part of the world I haven't spent that much time in - New England.

Morris Farm Wiscasset Maine
Granite Hall Store, Round Pond, Maine
So, I stole some from her today to share with you. Actually, her husband, Mr Muffy Aldrich takes the pictures.
Edgartown Yacht Club

Eastern Yacht Club, Marblehead, MA
  The sea, sailing, and fishing is such a way of life in the coastal towns of New England.
Fish House, Pemaquid Point, Maine

Fish House, Pemaquid Point, Maine

Fish House, Pemaquid Point, Maine

Friendship Harbor, Maine
 A great quote from Muffy, "For me, the goal is to be timeless.  This does not mean only embracing things that have been around for a while.  Instead, the goal is to take the best of as many time periods as possible." 

She was talking about something I have never heard of, the Farm Dinner.  A bunch of folks get together and have dinner on a local farm.

Looks like fun.

Do you have any favorite blogs? Would love to hear from you.
Comments always welcome!


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